Reviews & Testimonials

Discover how professionals across the globe use BricsCAD to enhance their workflows and improve efficiency.

Marcus Funk

System Administrator and Software Developer for Digital Operations/CAx

"I started searching for DWG-supporting systems, and yes, there were many systems that I had a close look at, but BricsCAD had the best support on handling the LISP files that we had. We had a big bunch of LISP applications to create our tools and so the decision went to BricsCAD." 

Van Eerdenbrugh

“When new people arrive on a long running project, they don't know the number or detail of the documents. But with Bricsys 24/7 they can search based on metadata and find all the related data and documents for a certain location, asset or discipline. That's one of the best parts of Bricsys 24/7 for us.”

Umberto Verga

Head of Product and Plant Engineering

“While trialling BricsCAD®, studying the possibilities of the software, we found a number of ways that the software could improve what we do, with features for BIM, 3D modelling and Civil. We found that consistently combining everything into one system became one of the most important things for us.”

Matic Ledinek

Structural and Civil Engineer

“BricsCAD is the easiest software in which you can fit the model to your needs.”

Davide Vinci


“Using BricsCAD, I noticed more immediate operations in the management of a drawing compared to competitors, for example, the MANIPULATE command. This allows you to quickly modify any entity or object within your drawing and from a 360° perspective. You also get the ability to completely and immediately manage your drawing’s dimensions.”

Mr. Makoto Otsuka

General Manager at PLM System Section, Value Chain System Department, Information & Communication Management Division, EBARA Corporation

"First of all, I can say that BricsCAD's software is an indisputable replacement for our existing 2D CAD software. We have not experienced any major problems with usability since its introduction. The software itself is lightweight, and the storage footprint and start-up time are highly satisfactory. Users have also reported further performance improvements."